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What is Kinesiology?
The art of muscle feedback therapy
The definition
“Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.” by the Australian Kinesiology Association
According to the NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Institute in Australia kinesiology was developed in the 60’s by chiropractors in the United States of America. Since then it has developed into a natural therapy in its own right, in fact Kinesiology is now the world’s fastest growing natural therapy. Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring to assess and correct imbalances in the body’s different structures.
Muscle monitoring identifies the source of the stress
In the model of kinesiology there is a connection between the physical structures such as the muscles, bones, hormones, neurology, etc and the energetic structures such as the aura, chakras, meridians, etc. Muscle monitoring gives the practitioner the ability to assess the stress levels in the physical and energetic structures. After the source of the stress has been identified, muscle monitoring allows the practitioner to find what would be the most appropriate correction technique to correct the imbalance. This eliminates the need for guess work, thereby making the corrections very efficient.
Benefits of Kinesiology
Kinesiology may improve all aspects of your life. The philosophical basis of kinesiology supports the Hippocratic principle of ‘doing no harm’ by applying only non-invasive techniques as directed by the client’s own biofeedback.
A kinesiologist does not ‘heal’ or ‘fix’ their client by application of their knowledge; rather, they participate with their client in a journey of exploration to discover the factor or factors creating the symptoms that they presented with.
Benefits of a kinesiology stress diffusion include:
- Better energy level and increased self-healing potential
- Stronger self image
- Self confidence
- Increased peace of mind
- Improved relationships
- Greater job satisfaction
- Strengthening the immune system
- Improve peak performance
The following list (taken from the UK Kinesiology Directory) conveys some idea of the wide variety of conditions that Kinesiology may and has helped:
addictions, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, attitudes, backache, bed wetting, behavioural problems, bladder problems, breast soreness, breathing difficulties, bursitis, candida, carpal tunnel syndrome, catarrh, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), clumsiness, concentration, lack ofco-ordination, poor cramps, crying for no reason, depression digestive disorders, dizziness, earache, eczema, elbow pain, emotional stress, eyes, fallen arches, fatigue, fears, food intolerances, frozen shoulder, hayfever, headaches, hiatus hernia, high blood pressure, hip pain, hyperactivity, hypoglycaemia, ileocaecal valve syndrome, insomnia, irritable bowel, joint pain knee problems, learning difficulties/ attention disorder, low back pain, lumbago, memory, poor, menopause, mental strain, migraine, mood swings, neck ache, nightmares, obesity, panic attacks, period pains, PMT, prostate, rheumatism, sciatica, poor self esteem, shock, sinusitis, skin disorders, vision impairment, weight problems, whiplash
Modalitis of Kinesiology
The list is not comprehensive. Please note it matters what type of kinesiology the practicioner practices.
Source: Energetic Kinesiology by Dr. Charles Krebs
Videos about Kinesiology
If you want to have a general overview, please watch these videos
A shortened version of a Kinesiology session from Canberra
Usually a session takes longer than on the video. The sessions come with self-reflection and discovering more about the contributing stress factors. Kinesiology promotes the model of self-responsibility, so we make sure your learn about yourself in a pleasent way. This helps to make conscious changes in your life to prevent more issues to come.
Research Results on the Accuracy of Muscle testing from Oxford University
Dr Anne Jensen research gives a bit of indication about the accuracy. Accordig to our view the impact is measured by the change in your state. That is what trully matters.
A little bit more about Kinesiology
The video has some health claims. Take it with a grain of salt, but in general gives a good overview

Contact Us
Tel: +64 22 034 6040
e-mail: info@energetickinesiology.co.nz
Healing Partner Ltd© 2019-2020