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- 3 in 1 Concepts KinesiologyOne Brain Kinesiology
The One Brain System™, developed by Three-In-One Concepts™ in California, assists people in achieving their full emotional. During a session we apply techniques that release negative emotional stress while improving physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. The system incorporates a unique synthesis of modern psychology, brain research, behavioural genetic, specialized kinesiology, and eastern medicine.
The One BrainTM technique is designed to resolve your problems caused by negative emotional stress: conflicting beliefs, obsessive behaviors, the fear and pain you try to avoid dealing with. Negative emotional stress guarantees that right now you are creating your future mostly based on what your past has been. This keeps you anxious about your future.
The purpose of our ONE BRAIN® system is to identify the fused blockages that keep us locked into our reactive behavioral patterns, and to defuse the associated emotional stress through the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit.
The nature of our ONE BRAIN® method is gentle re-connection with our Awareness of the Choices we have moment-in-moment to create and to experience fulfilling, productive lives through the relationships we hold personally and professionally.
Our approach is very gentle and non-invasive, where individuality and individual freedom of Choice are respected through the tender regard for human dignity and ethical co-operation; where respect for one's integrity is directly related to the highest good of oneself AND the highest good of all.
Is Your Present Being Determined By Your Past?
What is stress? It is emotion plus pain fused together. Negative emotional stress stops you from resolving your problems, learning whatever you want to or having the life that you really want. Resolving the emotional cause releases all kinds of pain, even physical symptoms. If negative stress occurs when we are learning a new activity (such as reading, writing, driving a car or playing a new sport), that stress becomes an integral part of the activity. It interferes with our ability to do it well. Whenever we repeat that activity or similar activities any time in the future, the same negative stress is triggered and our performance suffers. If we base our choices on reactions to unpleasant experiences in the past, we can get locked into self-limitation, denial and judgment. Stuck in patterns that keep us from experiencing the success we want, we no longer believe we have any choice concerning our future. Through the One BrainTM technique, you learn your own power of choice. With 0% negative emotional stress in the past (at cause) and in the present, you are free to make positive new choices where none seemed to exist before.
Why do you use muscle-monitoring?
The reason we use muscle-monitoring is because it is a quick and highly reliable. According to the latest research at the Oxford University it's accuracy found to be in the same range as a manual blood pressure testing.
How does muscle-monitoring work?
It works because our body, including our muscles through the nerve system react to any stimulus reaching the body. The muscles either go unlocking, over facilitated or remain in homeostasis. For example, if you were about to tell someone some bad news, you might ask them to sit down first. The reaction to the bad news creates that "weak-in -the-knees" effect that can cause someone to literally collapse.
Does muscle-monitoring involve some kind of external equipment?
No, it is a very simple procedure. The ONE BRAIN facilitator applies very light pressure to the client's outstretched arms. The arms will react with a response to words, images, or physical stress tests. The muscle movement indicates the type and amount of stress that the client is experiencing with the same accuracy as using a manual blood pressure equipment.
Please see the following research: Anne Marie Jensen - THE ACCURACY AND PRECISION OF KINESIOLOGY-STYLE MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING, Wolfson College -University of Oxford
Can ONE BRAIN cure physical illness or symptoms?
We don't treat physical symptoms or cure anything. We work with you, contributing to your balance, if that helps with your physical problems we are also happy, but don't come with that expectation. Our model is based on self-responsibility.

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