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- Stress Indicator Points KinesiologyAdvanced Kinesiology to balance the potential of humans
SIPS Kinesiology
Created by Ian Stubbings
SIPS Kinesiology is one of the most innovative and powerful Kinesiology techniques to be developed in recent years. It is a brilliant breakthrough that will change your working practices and enhance all your existing clinical skills. The SIPS technique will have immediate applications to all your balancing and you will find them very easy to assimilate into your current clinical practices. In total, there are 10 classes that build upon each other.
SIPS Level 1 - Etheric Level , 3 days
Course content:
- The SIPS perspective detailing the human body energy model.
- The SIPS basic protocol, which is the foundation piece for all future SIPS classes.
- How to address muscle stress imbalances (over-facilitated, under-facilitated, over- inhibited, and under-inhibited) via the SIPS basic protocol to access deeper stresses in the muscle itself, tendons, tendon sheaths, ligaments, primal emotions of the limbic system, lymphatics, vascular, nervous system, adrenals, skin, Retinaculum, and the meridian matrix.
- Why the body resists healing, and how to obtain insight on where your client’s specific blockages are occurring.
- How to reduce pain in the body tissues
- How to balance joints in the body to significantly improve their function.
- How to balance a shoulder joint using muscle monitoring for 12 different muscles with the SIPS protocol. This procedure can be easily transferred to any body region.
- A new correction involving the Meridian Matrix.
- The dynamic use of SIPS points to obtain greater depth and versatility in all your work.
- How to use SIPS in a stand-alone way, or to integrate it into any other system you already know.
SIPS Level 2 - Lower Emotional Body Level , 3 daysExtends the SIPS technique onwards from the static balancing processes in SIPS 1 into more vibrant, dynamic balancing techniques. Introduces the highly effective and useful Continuous Record Mode. Addresses the electrical polarity in the body including Switching and Deep Level Switching. Learn how to balance the Corpus Callosum and Hydration to give the body a very stable electrical base on which changes can be made. You cannot build a stable structure on an unstable foundation.
Course content:
- How to access stresses present in the Lower Emotional body level.
- How to balance Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Emotions using Specific SIPS Points and Plutchik’s Circumplex Evolutionary Model of Emotions. The dynamic formatting of this make it extremely powerful.
- How to balance attitudes, thoughts, thought forms, and body feelings.
- How to obtain insight on where your client’s specific blockages are occurring in the Low- er Emotional body level.
- How to balance Hydration and Ionization imbalances using SIPS Points.
- How to balance Electromagnetic Switching at Superficial, Deep Survival, Commissure, Association, Projection, and Isolation Levels, and SIPS Points to deepen those
corrections. - How to access and deepen the correction for Corpus Callosum, Association & Projection Fibres.
- How to link the Right & Left side energy systems using Circuit Mode, and find linked imbalances.
- How to use Continuous Record Mode to access a much greater range of stress.
- How to balance “unmonitorable” muscles
- How to balance muscles in Extension using SIPS Points.
- How to balance inflexibility, limited, or painful range of motions.
- Three new corrections unique to SIPS.
Prerequisites: SIPS 1
Instructor: Csaba Toke
SIPS Body Alignment Protocol, 2 days
Balancing the primary Integration Centre for Primary Body Alignment. All reflex systems, e.g. Gait Reflexes, Cloacal Reflexes other Righting Reflexes must be integrated at a higher level – the SIPS Body Alignment Proprioception Point accesses this primary integration. The body structure is largely controlled by three planes of the cranium and primary postural feedback: the plane of the Temporomandibular Joint, the cranial plane of the Atlas, the Sphenoidal plane of the eyes and the feedback system of the Foot Pressure Sensors. The BAP set-up accesses all of these primary systems in one integrated system and balances the Structural Misalignment of the Body utilising the self-healing properties of the body to bring the spine, jaw, cranial, hip and shoulder girdles into proper alignment.Course content:
- Dura Mater and how it influences the body, spinal circuits and brain
- How to perform an interactive balance of the Sphenoid, TMJ, Atlas in both static and dynamic protocols
- How to balance gaits, hyoid and Pitch, Roll & Y aw and tilt simultaneously and quickly
- How about the interconnectedness of the human Skeletal-Muscular System
- How to gently balance Atlas and spinal stress Kinesiologically without “adjustments”
- How to balance the Dura Mater and release the stress on the back and neck.
Prerequisites: SIPS 1 & SIPS 2
Instructor: Csaba Toke
SIPS Level 3 - The Astral Body on the Astral Plane , 3 days
SIPS 3 is a natural progression from SIPS 1 & 2 to the third level of the Human Body Energy Model: The Mental Body on the Physical Plane. Aspects of mind and mental function are explored in relation to the mental level of resistance and theoretical models of energy, mind and thought forms. Stress Indicator Points for states of mind, mental function, thinking, levels of consciousness, and the primary senses among others are introduced in this workshop. A number of invaluable Stress Indicator Points for different types of tissue and structural systems are included to expand the effectiveness of working on the physical body. A very simple yet very powerful SIPS correction technique is presented within this workshop.
SIPS 3 encompasses a significant body of work which will enhance your clinical practice.Prerequisites: SIPS 2
Instructor: Csaba Toke
SIPS Level 4 - The Astral Body on the Astral Plane , 3 days
SIPS 4 is associated with the forth level of the Human Body Energy Model; The Astral Body on the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane acts as a bridge between the physical domain and the spiritual domain (or the tangible to the intangible) and as such is vital to our well being. SIPS 4 therefore is our introduction to spiritual concepts within the SIPS theoretical framework. The astral level of resistance is strongly associated with heart energy and is the most powerful within the SIPS series. SIPS 4 expands the SIPS model of energy to encompass the magneto-electric dimension.SIPS 4 is a gentle yet stimulating workshop that opens our mind and work to new levels of our being. Note: it is important to understand that SIPS does not teach or endorse any religious theory. Rather, it identifies that, when people are not living the life they know they should be, when there is conflict between beliefs and reality or when the spiritual part of the body has been cut off, there is stress. SIPS is simply about removing stress which keeps us from healing ourselves.Topics covered within this workshop include aspects of self and spirit, the human aura, transduction and chakras, nadi and kundalini energy, reverse energy flow, blocked energy, figure 8 energy and so on. A very important section on inflammation stress is included in addition to another powerful SIPS correction technique.Prerequisites: SIPS 3
Instructor: Csaba Toke
SIPS Zero - The physical connection , 3 days
SIPS Physical Connection as the title suggests focuses our attention on the level of the physical body and in effect is SIPS ZERO (0) in the Human Body Energy Model.
In this workshop learn to balance the physical body level via the physical connection and the SIPS Zero level of amperage and resistance in conjunction with many new stress indicator points.Major topics include physical body energy, earth energy, body chemistry, the cellular level, cell alignment protocol, nutrition, metabolism and cellular respiration, vitamins, minerals, tissue salts, body fluids and electrolytes, toxicity, allergic reactions and the nutrition alignment protocol.
SIPS Physical Connection provides a breadth of information and stress indicator points to access working within the physical body at its most fundamental level.
Prerequisites: SIPS 2
Instructor: Csaba Toke

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